Information is knowledge.
Wisdom comes
with experience.

Your investment in KYC optimisation
BlueMonks wants to support you as flexibly as possible. That is why we offer a choice of proven, effective solutions. Do you also wish to meet the highest standards of integrity and regulations more efficiently and effectively? With the services of BlueMonks? Feel free to contact us for all your tailor-made options. Have regulations changed? We will notify you immediately and, where necessary, prepare your organisation for those changes. We also provide training to meet any other new challenges in the compliance environment.
BlueMonks Automated Solutions
& Managed Services
Your investment in KYC optimisation
BlueMonks wants to support you as flexibly as possible. That is why we offer you a choice of two Managed Services. In the first package, we take over the entire KYC/CDD process, easing the load on you. Or you can opt for our Automated Solutions, which allows your own analysts to easily manage the entire process themselves.
BlueMonks Automation
Without support from BlueMonks
€ 1.99
per file / per month
Our back-end KYC tooling used by your own analysts
Our team of BlueMonks analysts
BlueMonks front-end
BlueMonks basic policy
Our standard risk model, based on the basic policy
24/7 execution of:
Full reviews, including risk proposal
Client-outreach, including reminders
Price per file / per month excluding:
Initial project preparation and system integration
Monthly costs for software licence and management fees
BlueMonks Managed Services
Support from BlueMonks
€ 4.99
per file / per month
Our Back-end KYC tooling
Our team of BlueMonks analysts
BlueMonks front-end
BlueMonks basic policy
Standard risk model with ability to adapt to sectors and countries
24/7 execution of:
Full reviews, including risk proposal
Client-outreach, including reminders
Price per file / per month excluding:
Initial project preparation and system integration
Monthly costs for software licence and management fees
BlueMonks Managed Services Premium
Fully managed by BlueMonks
€ 6.99
per file / per month
Our Back-end KYC tooling
Our team of BlueMonks analysts
BlueMonks front-end
BlueMonks basic policy
Standard risk model with ability to fully adapt/implement own existing policies
24/7 execution of:
Full reviews, including risk proposal
Client-outreach, including reminders
Price per file / per month excluding:
Initial project preparation and system integration
Monthly costs for software licence and management fees
BlueMonks Service Desk
We would like to offer you a 2-month trial period which would give you access to our Service Desk, or this could be linked to our Managed Services or Automated Solutions. This gives you the opportunity to personally experience the benefits of total carefree onboarding. Please contact us for all customised options.
• Full Service Desk support
• Spoken and written support in NL | EN | SP| GER | FR
From € 8.99* per call
*Average handling time based on existing customers is 12 min per customer incl. administrative handling. Actual number of calls will be charged with a minimum of 25 calls per week. Possibility of evaluation after 1-2 months or transition to hourly pricing or fixed capacity booking.
BlueMonks Consultancy
Temporary assignment or independent issue?
BlueMonks Consultancy services include:
Project Management
Project Management support